Thursday, October 25, 2012

NYC killed my boots!

So I just moved to the big apple and its been crazy!! 

I've already gotten lost twice! I keep getting on the wrong train going in the wrong direction but it's ok I leave early enough to where that isn't a problem. 

Tony and I saw a great apartment online and went to go look at it on Tuesday. It was kindof in the ghetto but on the way back I made him get off the subway at Time Square. We didn't find the actual Time Square but we did find Broadway!

After that we headed out to the financial district to go see some apartments. Although we were unable to see any actual apartments from the realtor we were able to see the new Freedom Tower!

Today was my second day of work. I feel like I'm getting the hang of things and I'm having a lot of fun! I can't wait until I can actually enjoy the city and see the sights!
 I did get at least one authentic New York experience today....

OH and I almost forgot!! NYC really did kill my boots!!

And that's just from one day! 
Well I'll keep posting more when I get the chance! I love and miss everyone!

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